GEORGE WASHINGTON CLARK Appointed mayor by General E. R. S. Canby, commander of the Second Military District, July 6, 1868. Clark refused to leave office after the November 1868 election; not until May, 1869, after the South Carolina Supreme Court found the election valid, was he succeeded by Gilbert Pillsbury. Native of Indiana, born 1833, died May 22, 1898, buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Graduate of Wabash College, practiced law in Iowa. Regimental quartermaster and colonel, 34th Iowa Infantry. Brevetted Brigadier General, March 1865. Mustered out August 1865, appointed United States Marshal of the State of Iowa at the close of the war. "Brevet Brigadier-General G. W. Clark. Colonel, Thirty-Fourth Infantry." ( Fraser, Walter J., Jr. Charleston! Charleston! The History of a Southern City. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1989. "George Washington Clark. Brigadier General, United States Army." Arlington National Cemetery Website (
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